온라인예약 수술전상담 찾아오는길 페이스북
  • Flat nose
  • Bulbous Nose
  • Hooked Nose
  • Upturned Nose
  • Aquiline nose
  • Bent nose
  • Broad nose
  • Masculine nose
  • Nasal base
  • Nose tip
What is Flat nose?
In general, optimal nasal bridge starts from nasion which is a starting point of an eyelid. Such optimal nasal bridge is usually 2mm shorter than the medium height of naison and the nasal tip. Those who seem to have wide face and wide interorbital distance due to undefined nasal shape and flat nose are recommended to take rhinoplasty for more satisfactory appearance.
  • Anesthesia method : sedation
  • Operation time : about 1 hour 30
  • Suture removal : after 5-7 days, revisit us 2-3 times more
  • Recovery process : back to daily life after the suture removal
Flat Nose
Rhinoplasty is a surgery making sharp looking nose and nasal tip like Westerners. Silicone or gore-tex is usually used and these days dermis fat graft procedure or other materials are used. Silicone and gore-tex are proved for safety and utility and are currently being used the most. They are limited if you have thin skin or reoperation, but you can get the shape you want when we design one’s nose shape in harmony. During the procedure, the most important thing is to harmony in slightly more elevated nose and natural connection of nasal bridge, and this requires proper application of the latest techniques with careful manipulation of the nose. You have to choose the best material of your nose and method and consider the design of the nose tip after consultation with the medical specialists.
The surgical process of other clinic low nose rhinoplasty
The surgical process of Ksamsung’s low nose rhinoplasty
Nose bridge operation material
The surgical process of low nose tip
Nose tip operation material
Before and After