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[Fat grafting]  fat grafting or lifting
name G** date 2018-08-23 views 2937

I did the fat transfer 3 years ago and face lifting last year. 
but now I feel result isn't good. 
can you advice me something that can make my face look younger.


Answer contents

ello, this is Gangnam Samsung Aesthetic Clinic. 

Thank you for your question. 
Fat transfer involves suctioning out a small amount of fat from the knees, abdomen or thighs and moving this fat into the facial area (example: laugh lines, frown lines or lips) or other depressed area. 
Fat transfer is a much more advantageous approach and leads to permanent improved changes in facial contour. 
Permanent injectable fillers are not recommended, such as silicon, gortex, methyl methacrolate, or artecoll which are considered unsafe. 
These permanent fillers can lead to major deformities. 
The fat transfer procedure is considered to be the safest fillers if used by a qualified surgeon since it uses your own fat. 
Lips are also being permanently enhanced using the fat transfer technique. 

Facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging on the face and neck. 
As individuals age, the skin and muscles of the face region begin to lose tone. 
The facelift cannot stop the process of aging. It can improve the most visible signs of aging by tightening deeper structures, re-draping the skin of face and neck, and removing selected areas of fat. 
A facelift can be performed alone, or in conjunction with other procedures, such as a browlift, liposuction, eyelid surgery, or nasal surgery. 
Facelift surgery is individualized for each patient. 
The best candidates for facelift surgery have a face and neck line that has begun to sag, but whose skin has elasticity and whose bony structure is well defined. 

you did surgery all over 1 years, 
so I support you can consult our doctor then decided do the surgery. 

If you have any other questions you can contact us anytime. 
Best regards. 

Tel: 82-02-3477-4700 
QQ: 224047270
Wechat: ksamsung1 

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